Research strategy- Benkler, Y (2006) The Wealth of Networks. How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. Yale University Press; Research and development

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Although I have begun research, both primary and secondary as you can see from the progress I have made and stated in previous blogs, I am starting to look closer at my research strategies and what I aim to find from it.


In the wealth of networks, Benkler talks about the difference between gaining information that has already been found before and gaining new information full of thoughts and opinions that are entirely new and innovative.

“Once a scientist has established a fact, or once Tolstoy has written War and Peace, neither the scientist nor Tolstoy need spend a single second on producing additional War and Peace manuscripts or studies for the one-hundredth, one-thousandth, or one-millionth user of what they wrote. The physical paper for the book or journal costs something, but the information itself need only be created once. “

To think of information as “nonrival”, suggesting that the informations consumption by one person does not make it any less available for consumption by another would suggest that existing information does not lose its value, and can be interpreted in plentiful ways without losing its credentials.

In relation to the development of my product, this would therefore suggest that I can use existing knowledge to my advantage.

Existing knowledge states that, the teaching of PSHE is famously awkward. Existing knowledge also shows that technology is increasingly favoured in the classroom.


To combine this existing information into a whole new hybrid solution however, is to create something innovative and ‘rival’.

Therefore the research that I need to source, to develop something innovative needs to innovative itself. For example where I have asked ‘How does the use of interactive software aid you in your ability to teach?’ previously, I am now at the stage of asking ‘How would the use of interactive software aid you in your ability to teach PSHE?’.

In summary, Innovation is ‘would?’ rather than ‘does?’

Hardware, software , apps and all that jargon; Research and development

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I asked the question of the difference between all of the above on yahoo answers and these are the answers which I received.

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Application software is all the computer software that causes a computer to perform useful tasks beyond the running of the computer itself. A specific instance of such software is called a software applicationapplication programapplication or app.

The term is used to contrast such software with system software, which manages and integrates a computer’s capabilities but does not directly perform tasks that benefit the user. The system software serves the application, which in turn serves the user.

Examples include accounting software, enterprise software, graphics software, media players, and office suites. Many application programs deal principally with documents. Applications may be bundled with the computer and its system software or published separately, and can be coded as university projects.

Application software applies the power of a particular computing platform or system software to a particular purpose.

Some applications are available in versions for several different platforms; others have narrower requirements and are thus called, for example, a Geography application for Windows, an Android application for education, or Linux gaming. Sometimes a new and popular application arises which only runs on one platform, increasing the desirability of that platform. This is called a killer application.

Although I am not programme literate, distinguishing the difference between the platforms I will be encountering throughout my research has helped me to think more realistically about what I can achieve and how this can be done.

My Classroom resource in broader terms will, be a purchasable software from a platform such as Microsoft or the apple store whom both currently sell and supply downloadable software for Interactive White boards. Rather than a killer application, I would like to create a software which runs easily across all brands of boards for ease of use (if a supply teacher had a lesson planned with this software, they should be able to guarantee it to work on any interactive whiteboard the school uses), although as prometheus seems to be the most popular choice in the classroom this would be an ultimate priority if I could only opt for one brand. The software will use existing camera hardware technology that is already available on most IWB’s, however additional hardware can be purchased in addition to the software in the form of a camera that can be attached to an IWB without or with a poor quality integrated camera.

What makes a good PSHE resource? The role of the teacher; Research and Development

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As I talked about in my video pitch, the competition for classroom resources is definitely taking a modern and interactive slant.

Leading competitors
Leading competitors

Brainpop, is one of the most used resources in the classroom which holds some resemblance to what I would like to develop. I asked some teachers of the TES community, of whom I got it touch with via twitter their opinions on the software and gathered the general opinion.


Lot’s of subjects in one place.

Colour, more likely to engage.

Videos, illustrate key themes.


Outdated flash animation

Difficult to assess progress

Easily used as a cop-out (Head teacher)

I have begun to devise a plan to use this research of existing products to develop something new and innovative which deals with the cons and makes advantage of the pros.

Focusing primarily on the likelihood of the software that I am developing being used as a ‘cop-out tool’, I have sent a short survey to experienced teachers and academics such as associates of the ‘Brainpop’ software itself and gathered some thoughts on what makes a good PSHE lesson. For my final project, for the module at least, I will develop a detailed lesson plan for the use of my innovation using this peer-research.

Thirty seconds after asking on twitter
Thirty seconds after asking on twitter
I got some useful feedback on the teaching of PSHE
I got some useful feedback on the teaching of PSHE

To create something which stays up to modern and upcoming standards, the graphics and context of the software will need to consistently updated.

P4C, as mentioned by this respondent, I discovered is an educational model for the teaching of philosophy for children which runs on four fundamental values:

  1. Collaborative – thinking with others
  2. Caring – thinking of others
  3. Critical – making reasoned judgements
  4. Creative – creating new ideas

Practiced in more than 60 countries, it is integral for me to note this widely approved approach in the teaching of PSHE where there are no right or wrong answers. The role of the teacher is important, and their job is to remain unbiased, and un-judgemental whilst encouraging there students to come to a conclusion. Even if there isn’t one, it is more about encouraging the child to look at their thinking.

Therefore with my software, given the scenario the class will be confronted with, there will be no right or wrong answers, just an opportunity for the class to discuss their feelings with the teacher as a medium of encouragement but not influence. It shall not be a doss lesson.

Peer feedback on video pitch; Analysis

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Watching other video pitches has given me many ideas as to how an engage an audience in an idea you feel passionate about. I particularly liked the use of animation and moving graphs to demonstrate ideas and will likely utilise this technique in the future. The pitches which I felt were less engaging were ones in which the pitch lacked market research into its competition, the feedback I received was mostly favourable in terms of this and I completely agreed with everything that was said. I was happy with the way in which I discussed the need of the resource within my pitch but I should have managed my time better to give more detail into the actual product itself.

Over the next couple of days this is an area I am going to work on.

Banana slicers. Merci Maslow!; Research and development

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The banana slicer went through thorough development to become a product that would overcome that well known problem in life of…cutting bananas with greater ease. It’s not exactly changing the world, it might not even have anything but a novelty element and I want to create something which meets a real need with my product. That is to create an item that people need rather than want, and will not be shoved to the back of the cupboard in time…like a banana cutter.

Throughout my research I have found that, both teachers and students alike felt that an intervention was needed to aid in the teaching of PSHE. Even on a government scale the teaching of this has been discussed by the big cheeses which would suggest that, on the successful creation of my product, that there is a genuine need for it.


The famous Maslow, created a hierarchy of basic human needs from physiological to the ultimate self-actualisation which every person instinctively desires, thus doing all of us product developers a great favour to what needs we should appeal to with our product. The idea of this hierarchy is, that you cannot reach self-actualisation without receiving the needs below, for example if you reach a high level of morality which reflects your ‘actual-self’ but you are starving, then life could be significantly better. All everybody wants is that utter fulfilment at the top, and advertising, essentially displays an illusion of how easy that could be.

This hierarchy above is just a basic template and can easily have lots of other fundamental needs added to it of which producers aim to appeal to, many of which overlap each other. At the start of my last workshop in developing my innovation we created a list of generic issues, such as conflict, poverty and racism. These issues on at least one level counteracted a need on the hierarchy of needs. For example, poverty is an issue because, food water and sleep are fundamental needs yet in impoverish conditions limit this.

With fundamental needs being pursued in mind, I have begun to develop the appeal of my classroom resource in resolving conflict. As a classroom resource for the next generation of children and how they think about Personal, social and health issues I believe my idea to me relevant to many issues.

My resource, will educate the next generation of children in issues from health, conflict resolution, environmental conservation and more. In a climate where teenage pregnancy, substance misuse and  first world poverty is on the rise but the relevant education has been placed on the back burner to reduce costs in an economic crisis, my interactive resource will bring children together in discussion of these important matters, in a low-cost pay once but versatile way which will make the teaching of these awkward taboo subjects not only enjoyable but life changing in the long run . This will ultimately reduce the long-term cost of current and future issues that the services increasingly face such as drug abuse.”  

Some things cannot be taught from books; Research and Development

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Putting together my research into a film medium was great fun. I decided to start off with the awkward old-fashioned approach which currently exists and modernise the pitch as it went on to demonstrate the futuristic appeal of my product. Trying to make the research that I have done interesting also allowed me to think about the best way in which I can appeal to my audience and gather an interest in the concept. Enjoy, any feedback would be gratefully welcomed.

Research results so far..;Research, Development and analysis

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Using the networking I talked about in my last blog, Ive started to get some interesting research on where to go next. This survey, targeted specifically at teachers is currently being distributed around twitter, facebook and TES amongst other niche communities. Here are the results I’ve had so far and some comments which stood out.

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“It’s often hard to find the school’s own PSHE resources – I’d have to search the internet for resources, but it’s hard to know what’s reliable.”

Do you consider PSHE to be an important part of a students education?

“Absolutely, we want to produce kind and caring individuals who treat others with respect and know how to face the challenges that they will face in the future.”

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I’ve previously come across a lot of worksheets…. the kids get bored, the teachers get bored, PSHE becomes sidelined.

we need to incorporate life skills i.e money understanding, first aid.

An element of where pupils could get involved would be relevant.

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I feel this is an outdated approach

This result surprised me.
This result surprised me. Teachers seem to approve off the introduction of modern resources.

If used appropriately the IWBs can help to engage children with visual, active and auditory stimulus – however, they can also be used for dull powerpoints.

Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 11.37.44The only issue with these can be monitoring the conversations/content within these worlds – Teachers aware of the risks of cyber bullying may avoid the use of this when pupils are able to type freely to one another.

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At the end of the survey I have a place for teachers to stay in contact throughout the rest of this research, As although I have had some noteworthy feedback such as the overwhelming approval of modern resources the respondents may feel more obliged to answer in a certain way with such a technique.

Competition; Research and Development- Anon. (2005). Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

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According to the key to competing in the business world is a well developed Unique selling proposition. Using the structure set out on their website I have begun to develop the USP of my classroom resource.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. – 

Using, interviews in particular to really connect with my audience I aim to emphasise with their  needs and wants taking a step back from my own wants for the product. For example the time constraints and technical difficulties often associated with technology in the classroom.

Know what motivates your customers’ behaviour and buying decisions –

In the future, conducting research into the motives of my buyers would be beneficial in drawing in a larger audience. For example when you purchase my software, the buyer could be prompted with the question. ‘Where did you hear about us?’ This would therefore suggest their trail of thought. Although considered unethical by some google tracking is also an available technique to note the search history of a customer, their interests and most beneficially their shopping habits.

Uncover the real reasons why customers should buy your product instead of a competitor’s- 

Augmented reality used to be an amazing groundbreaking technology and if you developed a classroom software which used it even twenty years ago you would be onto a winner. However with technology advancing quicker than ever, these days I have a lot of things to constantly compete with.

The thing that distinguishes my resource from other educational ones is that it utilises AR on the interactive whiteboard which has only very rarely been done before, but most significantly it is used in the teaching of PSHE, which from my research so far seems to have never been done before.

PSHE, is renowned for being an awkward subject and I feel that that is what makes my software unique, as it can help to minimise this by lessening the role of the teacher whilst still encouraging healthy debate and exchanging of opinions.

The use of a virtual world is also closer to the real world and has shown to be effective in the past in the changing of prejudice views. When it comes to changing the views of the next generation, or at least engaging them a little more than this could really make a difference.

Anon. (2005). Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Available: Last accessed 3rd March 2014.